Saturday, March 19, 2011

The Much Awaited Jaejoong ELLE Korea Movie Still Release

A twitter friend told me that Jaejoong's Movie Still with ELLE Korea will be released on the 18th of March and I've been hearing about it all day on my twitter timeframe. I was about to go to sleep when JYJ Malaysia posted the link for the video and I was so thrilled and now I can no longer shut my eyes with the sight of sexiness oozing out from this video. A big THANKS to JYJ Malaysia. You can follow them via twitter here @JYJ_MY . They deliver the latest JYJ news almost every minute so you'll never miss out anything on JYJ when you follow them. You can also "Like" them on Facebook if you don't have twitter by clicking here.

Enjoy the show ladies and gents, 'coz I sure hell did. ^_^

To top off with something extra, here's an interview. THANK YOU JYJ Malaysia! ^_^

1 comment:

  1. puedo ....ohhhhh.....quiero gusta su guapo...
